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New Study Shows Music Lessons Improve Children’s Cognitive Skills and Academic Performance


A new study from VU University of Amsterdam has found that music lessons can improve more than just a child’s ability to play an instrument, but rather a variety of skills that can be used in other subjects and life experiences, including reasoning, planning, and affecting overall academic achievement.

“Children who received music lessons showed improved language-based reasoning and the ability to plan, organize and complete tasks, as well as improved academic achievement,” says Dr Jaschke. “This suggests that the cognitive skills developed during music lessons can influence children’s cognitive abilities in completely unrelated subjects, leading to overall improved academic performance.

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Frontiers. (2018, March 26). Music lessons improve children’s cognitive skills and academic performance: Cognitive skills developed from music lessons appear to transfer to unrelated subjects, leading to improved academic performance. ScienceDaily. Retrieved April 12, 2018 from www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/03/180326140244.htm