We are delighted to announce this year’s updated digital offer from ArtForms and the new West Yorkshire Music Hub where schools can choose one of three digital platforms to support the delivery of their Music curriculum. This year, please make your choice using our Google form (see below).
As per last year, schools have a choice between accounts for Charanga, Sing Up or Musical Futures. Each Leeds secondary school is entitled to one of the following platforms, fully subsidised by the music hub for the 2024-25 academic year.
Charanga – https://charanga.com/site/
Sing Up! – https://www.singup.org/
Musical Futures – https://www.musicalfuturesonline.org/
Each of these packages have something different to offer that supports schools to deliver their music curriculum. Follow this link for more information, comparing the different qualities of each platform.
To order the platform you wish to use for the next academic year complete the following google form found via this link – Digital Offer 2024-2025 – by Friday 19th July.
New licences/memberships will run from 1st October 2024 to 30th September 2025.
If your choice is repeated from last year then your account will simply renew on the 1st October 2024 with all the same log-in details as last year.
We have a finite number of accounts for each platform and they will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.
Requests made after 19th July will be considered depending on availability.
A speedy response completing the Google form would be much appreciated.
Sam Mercer – Music Curriculum Support Manager