Arts CPD, Support and Guidance

‘Fantastic course, thought provoking and inspiring.  I have a lot more confidence to try lots of different techniques and ideas’  KS2 teacher

We offer training and support for teachers and support staff, delivered by national and local specialists, throughout the school year.

 In 2023/24, primary schools can access training in:

Art, Craft and Design

  • How to be an effective art subject leader;
  • Subject knowledge and skills development (print and textiles);
  • Sketchbooks for assessment.

Design and Technology (D&T)

  • How to be an effective D&T subject leader;
  • Subject knowledge and skills development (textiles in D&T) 
  • Cooking in the curriculum

The training can be booked on a ‘pay as you go’ basis.  However, schools will receive a 10% discount when they book three training courses for the same subject.  For further information about primary Art and/or Design and Technology training, please visit Leeds for Learning.

Primary Arts Network

This is a half termly network, delivered virtually and free to access for any Leeds teachers with an interest in art.  The dates for 2023/24 are:

  • Thursday 28th September 2023;
  • Wednesday 22nd November 2023;
  • Thursday 18th January 2024;
  • Tuesday 26th March 2024;
  • Wednesday 8th May 2024;
  • Thursday 4th July 2024.

These sessions run from 3.45pm – 4.45pm.

Support and Guidance

For schools who require bespoke support, we can work one-to-one with Art / D&T subject leaders.   We respond to school need, but support could include: an Arts review; Strategic visioning and action planning; support with Art and D&T assessment; curriculum planning; middle leadership development; NQT support; whole staff development. 

Schools can purchase support for two days, one day, half day or twilight sessions.   These are all available through Leeds for Learning

If you wish to discuss how we could work with you, please contact  

Textiles CPD

D&T: subject knowledge and skills development: textiles  Wednesday 1st March 2023, 1.30pm – 4.00pm  The M&S Company Archive Designing and making a product out of...
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