ArtForms is the music and arts service for Leeds, working with children, young people, families and schools.

There are two strands to ArtForms – ArtForms Music and ArtForms Arts DevelopmentThrough these strands we offer an extensive range of arts and cultural programmes, both in and out of school, either directly delivered by ourselves or brokered through our partnerships.

ArtForms Music is a partner in the West Yorkshire Music Hub – the music education hub for West Yorkshire. This replaced the Leeds Music Education Hub (LMEP) in 2024.

ArtForms support the Leeds Cultural Education Partnership, working to ensure every child in Leeds has access to a high quality arts and cultural education.

As part of the 0-19 Learning Improvement Team within Children and Families, Leeds City Council, ArtForms is committed to providing high quality arts and cultural opportunities, including continuing professional development training and practitioner led projects delivered in school.

Through Leeds for Learning, we circulate newsletters for primary schools – Music, and Music and Arts – (half termly), and secondary schools (termly).  Previous copies can be found by visiting these links.  

If you are a teacher and are interested in attending our CPD and training courses, you can find out information about Music here and Arts here. To book, please visit Leeds for Learning.

Job opportunities are advertised through the Leeds City Council jobs website.

Support us in making music accessible for all. If you would like to make a donation or would like more information about how you can become a sponsor, please contact