ArtForms Arts Development have the following training in Art, Craft and Design and Design & Technology (D&T) coming up over 2021/22:
Art, Craft and Design
- Curriculum Planning: Thursday 14th October 2021, 2pm – 4pm (online)
- Subject Knowledge and Skills Development: Wednesday 2nd February 2022, 2pm – 4pm (online)
- Sketchbooks in School: Tuesday 14th June 2022, 2pm – 4pm (online)
All booking is through the Leeds for Learning website. If schools purchase a place at all three Art, Craft and Design sessions, there is a discount.
Design & Technology
- Curriculum Planning: Wednesday 20th October 2021, 2pm – 4pm (online)
- Subject Knowledge and Skills Development: Tuesday 8th March 2022, 2pm – 4pm (online)
- Cooking in the Curriculum, Tuesday 7th June 2022, 9.30am – 1.30pm (face to face)
All booking is through the Leeds for Learning website. If schools purchase a place at all three Design & Technology sessions, there is a discount.
Primary Arts Leaders Network
All primary teachers with an interest in the arts and arts education are welcome to join us at this free, half-termly online network. Each session takes place from 3.45pm – 4.45pm The dates for 2021/22 are as follows:
All booking is through Leeds for Learning. If you have any questions about our training, please don’t hesitate to get in touch by emailing