City of Leeds Youth Training Orchestra (CLYTO)

CLYTO rehearse 6.45-8.45pm on Fridays at Pudsey Civic Hall, LS28 5TA.

If you are interested in joining this group please email

CLYTO returns on Friday 13th September!


CLYTO play a wide range of music – anything from Bach to James Bond (and beyond!) Players of all orchestral instruments (strings, woodwind, brass and percussion) can join the group and our age range is from 10-18. For most instruments the music is around Grade 4-6 level but you don’t need to have taken any exams to join. Our conductors are always happy to discuss any questions you might have about this. We don’t hold auditions, but it’s helpful if you’ve played in a group before.  We give concerts three times a year, often joining with other CLYM groups or ensembles from music centres across Leeds.

Conductors: Ralph Tong and Ellie Smith

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