Leeds Schools’ Brass Ensemble

Leeds Schools’ Brass Ensemble rehearse 5.15-6.15pm on Friday evenings at Pudsey Civic Hall, LS28 5TA.

If you are interested in joining this group please email educ.artforms@leeds.gov.uk.

LSBE is FREE this year thanks to funding from the west Yorkshire Music Hub.

LSBE returns on Friday 13th September!


This band is for players of any brass instrument. We range from around Grade 1 to Grade 4 standard, but you don’t need to have taken any exams to join us. There are no auditions for brass band, and as it is a junior group you don’t need to have any previous ensemble experience. It’s the perfect place for those who are new to playing in a group to get some experience and have fun playing well-known pieces!

Conductor: Ralph Tong