Music funding continues as Leeds Music Education Partnership is praised for impact in Leeds Schools
Recent feedback from Arts Council England praised Leeds Music Education Partnership (LMEP), (LMEP) for its innovative work in supporting schools during the last academic year. High quality work, demonstrating a commitment to inclusion and strong leadership were also all highlighted by the Arts Council.
Led by ArtForms, LMEP is a collaborative partnership, whose expertise can support you and your learners to receive the best musical education the city can offer. We’re really proud that last year, we worked with 91% of Leeds schools in delivering core roles of the National Plan for Music (that’s through instrumental teaching and singing support) and almost 13,000 children in Leeds schools received music tuition from ArtForms alone! LMEP also supported 745 learners in 83 schools to have instrumental or vocal lessons through our bursary scheme and a further 38 learners in Youth Music groups and Music Centres.
We’d like to say a huge thanks to all schools who completed our Annual data return. Last year, an increased number of schools responded and this enabled us to provide ACE with a really comprehensive picture of music education in Leeds. Our funding for next academic year has been guaranteed and you’ll be pleased to hear that Leeds schools will continue to have access to a number of LMEP discounted schemes including bursaries, scholarships, tuition cost cashback, free CPD, subsidised live music and grants for school-based activities.
To further support schools and families in this challenging financial time, ArtForms have frozen prices for the third year running. Do take a look at our page on Leeds for Learning or watch our video here to find out why music is important for every school.
But don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what a Primary Music Lead said about their curriculum teaching: “We feel really lucky, the children are so engaged in lessons and are learning great musicianship. The teachers have also reported to me how much they like the lessons. It is so lovely to see music being delivered at such a high level in school.”
If you’re not currently taking advantage of our support that LMEP can offer or would like to know more, do get in touch and we’d be really happy to discuss how we can work with you – please call 0113 3782850 or email