Building on the success of BBC Music’s Ten Pieces for Primary, which has already engaged more than half of UK primary schools, the BBC is extending the ground-breaking initiative to secondary schools. The aim is to open up the world of classical music to children aged 11 and above, inspiring them to respond creatively to the repertoire.
An inspirational new cinematic film will feature stunning footage of the BBC Philharmonic performing a new selection of orchestral music, representing a wide range of styles and eras relevant to the music curriculum. Each piece will be introduced by celebrity presenters known to the age group, using an engaging mix of live action and animation.
Reasons to be involved
- Supported by Ofsted, LMEP partners and other leading arts and music organisations
- Opportunity to be part of an inspirational nationwide BBC initiative
Involvement in the project will:
- help schools deliver the music curriculum
- provide a transition opportunity from primary to secondary
- provide cross-curricular stimulus for the performing arts
- encourage creative thinking and independent learning in pupils
- foster collaborative working and self confidence
- inspire performance opportunities to showcase pupils’ creativity
BBC Resources will include:
- At least to 400 FREE screenings of an exciting and immersive film in cinemas around the UK – local to us in Leeds are
Cineworld Wakefield, 2 screenings on 6th October at 10.00 and 11.15
Odeon Leeds Bradford 2 screenings on 8th October at 10.00 and 11.30
York City Screen Picturehouse, 8th October at 10.00
- FREE DVD of the Ten Pieces film for UK secondary schools
- lesson plans and background on repertoire and composers
- downloadable audio of the ten pieces
- inspirational films, including masterclasses, to encourage creativity
- arrangements of the repertoire to suit a range of abilities
- cross-curricular resources
Phase 1: Inspiration – October 2015
- Register for the project by signing up for the newsletter on the website. You will receive news and links to new classroom resources regularly.
- Attend FREE nationwide screenings of the Ten Pieces Secondary film (NB cinema places are limited)
- Receive FREE DVD of film (1 copy for each secondary school, you can place your order now)
- Explore educational resources on the Ten Pieces website (available from summer term 2015)
- Link up with your local Ten Pieces Champion (see website for more details)
Phase 2: Exploration and creativity – October 15 to March 16
- Pupils can explore the repertoire further, and develop creative responses inspired by one or all of the pieces in a variety of ways:
- dance
- animation or digital art
- performance poetry
- composition (jazz, world music, folk, classical, pop or coded)
Upload pupils’ creative responses to the Ten Pieces website for possible inclusion in the online showcase(deadline: Friday 18th March 2016)
Phase 3: Performance – April to July 2016
- hold your own celebratory concert in your school or community take part in finale events hosted by your local Ten Pieces Champion
What people have been saying:
“I believe that the Ten Pieces project has been one of the most significant initiatives within the field of music education.” Philip Litchfield, Berkshire Maestros
“The YMI (Youth Music Initiative) tutors, teachers and pupils are loving the project….It is such a full, well thought-out structure that has captured the imagination of pupils and their families… an amazing project with fantastic resources!” Gillian Mooney, Falkirk Community Trust
“It has broken barriers that haven’t been broken before.” Emma Coulthard, Cardiff Music Development Service
“I am close to exploding with excitement as the Ten Pieces initiative had such a profound effect on the community, not just the individual pupils. In fact the effect was so powerful that I am in the process of launching instrumental lessons on a scale like no other!” Gaer Primary School, Newport, Wales
Next steps:
Check out the Ten Pieces Secondary repertoire here.
Sign up to the Ten Pieces newsletter here.
Book your FREE tickets to see the Ten Pieces film at a local cinema screening here.
Order your FREE copy of the Ten Pieces film on DVD here.