National Curriculum provision
for all primary key stages
A musical school is a successful school – music has an impact on attainment through the whole curriculum developing resilience, confidence and communication. All ArtForms NC staff are fully qualified specialist teachers who offer ultimate flexibility in being able to enhance your school’s work.
EYFS (including Children’s Centres and Private Nurseries)
Using well-established music schemes of work and methods, we teach small groups or whole classes to improve outcomes in:
- phonological and phonemic awareness and retention;
- social cohesion, emotional awareness and inclusion;
- vocal confidence;
- listening skills and improved attention.
KS1 and KS2
High quality outcomes are achieved through practical music making sessions. Music curriculum lessons are filled with singing and the playing of instruments which empower children and increase their skills, confidence and resilience.
Children’s musical progress is monitored via the ArtForms Progression and Assessment document. Age-appropriate musical instruments and learning recourse can be supplied free of charge.
We recommend weekly teaching sessions of the following length:
- 30 minutes for each class in EYFS and KS1;
- 45 minutes for each class in KS2.
School staff are welcome to take part in NC lessons as their own CPD although sessions may be used as PPA cover.
Big Sings
Our NC team can extend their in-class provision by leading schools’ key stage or whole school singing sessions.
We recommend 30 minute weekly sessions for each.
ArtForms NC teachers are trained and resourced to be able to offer a wide selection of after school and lunchtime activities.
Why not book a multi-activity music club for targeted pupils each term? We will work with you to choose the right activity for each group.
We offer choirs, mixed percussion, Samba, Bamboo Tamboo, African drumming, recorders, ocarinas, Multi-Instrumental Rock School, ukulele or Music ICT with iPads.
Schools may not pass on costs of NC learning to pupils.
Further information
If you want to know more about curriculum music provision, please contact Lee Muncaster at or 0113 378 2850.
You can book direct via Leeds for Learning. Click here to go straight to our service page on Leeds for Learning.