Whole Class Instrumental Teaching (WCIT)

Whole Class Instrumental Teaching (WCIT)
for key stages 1, 2 and 3

Provision which ensures all pupils in the same class have the opportunity to learn to play an instrument together.

Collective class progress is recognised through ArtForms Colour Awards.

Delivery is be specialist instrumental staff during the school day. Schools must ensure a member of school staff is present and participating during sessions.

Allow one hour per class (45 minutes delivery / 15 minutes set up).

Schools may not pass on costs of WCIT to pupils.


Instruments for WCIT

Sets of instruments can be supplied for schools buying WCIT teaching as above: violin, viola, ukulele, guitar, recorder, fife, clarinet, French horn, mixed brass, cornet, djembe, tuned percussion.

Music tech, steel pans and world music packages are available on enquiry.


Further information

If you want to know more about whole class instrumental teaching provision, please contact ArtForms at educ.artforms@leeds.gov.uk or 0113 378 2850.

You can book direct via Leeds for Learning. Click here to go straight to our service page on Leeds for Learning.

To learn more about the benefits of Whole Class Instrumental Teaching in your school, please click here to read a report from Birmingham City University.