Arts, Culture and Heritage in your Currciulum
The Leeds Cultural Education Partnership (LCEP)*, in partnership with Noctua and YITSA teaching schools, are hosting a programme of events with a focus on ‘Embedding Arts, Culture and Heritage in your Curriculum’.
Spanning three events over this academic year, the programme aims to support schools to consider how they might enrich their curriculum and broaden pupil experience by engaging with the arts, culture and heritage offer in Leeds and beyond.
The first event is a briefing meeting for Headteachers and Senior Leaders. It will take place on Tuesday 27th November 2018 from 8.30am – 11.00am at the Discovery Centre. The meeting will include a Skype presentation from Susan Aykin, HMI and National Lead for Visual and Performing Arts. In response to recent announcements from Ofsted, Susan will be speaking on the importance of a broad and balanced curriculum with particular reference to the Arts. Susan will answer your questions provided in advance and taken from the floor. (If you have any questions please submit them now!) In addition, there will be an opportunity to hear from local school leaders on how and why they deliver an arts rich curriculum.
To book a place, please email
* The Leeds Local Cultural Education Partnership (LCEP) was established in September 2017 in response to Arts Council England’s Cultural Education Challenge. The partnership has a wide membership and brings together arts, cultural, educational and community organisations and the local authority to ensure a joined-up arts and cultural offer for children and young people