Leeds City Council is in the process of creating a new Culture Strategy for Leeds.
The new strategy places culture at the heart of all policy-making with the aim of creating more prosperous, healthier, stronger and happier communities.
The strategy is in DRAFT form and is open for consultation.
We want to know if the children and young people you work with agree with the strategy.
We have taken the full strategy document and broken it down to make it child friendly. It takes the form of a questionnaire and can be delivered in your class, group or workshop over one session or you can extend the activity by opening it up for discussion and debate. We are aware that time may be limited, so please complete what you can in the time available. To download the questionnaire, please click here.
Please return completed forms to leanne.buchan@leeds.gov.uk by Friday 30th June 2017
All completed questionnaires will be put in a prize draw. The winner will receive a year’s membership for Scrap (reusing materials from businesses as resources for art and play) and £50 to spend in their shop on materials.
We would also welcome your comments too – for the full consultation document, please follow the link Leeds Culture Strategy