We are excited to announce the re-launch of our ‘Music Champion School’ status. In the past, this has been awarded by Leeds Music Education Partnership (LMEP) to those schools in Leeds that show an outstanding commitment to music provision. Due to the recent Music hub restructure and LMEP no longer existing, ArtForms will now continue to award Champion School Status for Leeds schools.
Why become an ArtForms Champion School?
Gaining ArtForms Champion School status illustrates how a school has made a significant impact on pupils’ lives through their music offer and shows that they have an outstanding commitment to music education.
Recipients of the award receive a Music Mark membership (the strategic lead organisation in the UK for Music Education), framed certificate, banner and digital Music Champion logo to include on all school publicity. Champion schools may also be asked to support our Music Connect networks by showcasing good practice.
How do you apply to become an ArtForms Champion School?
For your school to be considered, you will need to send your School Music Development Plan, along with a covering email explaining what makes you a Champion School. More information about how to complete your development plan can be found here.
If you were previously a Champion School and would like to remain so, we still ask you to send your Music development plan and a covering email to support your application.
Would you like to be a lead school for the West Yorkshire Music Hub?
WYMH are also looking for Lead schools who will take on a regional role to champion music education. This is a separate application process and involves having a more strategic role in supporting the five areas of West Yorkshire; Leeds, Bradford, Wakefield, Kirklees and Calderdale. If you are interested in becoming a Lead School for the West Yorkshire Hub, then please contact us at Wymh.artforms@leeds.gov.uk. Further information about the application process will be announced shortly. The application form can be found here. The deadline for submissions is 4pm on Wednesday 26th February. Please email your completed form to WYMH@bradford.gov.uk.