Leeds Music Education Partnership is delighted to be able to offer funding support to schools in 2019-20. LMEP supports music learning in all maintained schools, free schools and academies in Leeds, and enhances out-of-hours music making across the city.
The deadline for cashback applications and applications for pupil bursaries is October half term so please make sure you apply before then so that you don’t lose out!
Cashback applications
Your school may be eligible for up to 50% cashback if you have contracted weekly music delivery from an LMEP partner. To check if you are eligible, please see the LMEP brochure. To apply, please fill out the application form at the back of the brochure and send it to Aretha via email at aretha.suen@leeds.gov.uk.
Bursaries for FSM pupils
This offer assists children who are entitled to free school meals on grounds of income to have
small group instrumental or vocal lessons in school.
It does not cover the universal provision of free school meals for KS1 children and excludes
whole class instrumental or vocal learning, large ensembles and choirs.
To apply for bursaries for your pupils, please complete the application form and send it to Aretha via email at aretha.suen@leeds.gov.uk.