If you are a student at university or are looking to go, you may be eligible for some help towards the cost of music lessons. Most university music departments now offer scholarships, grants and bursaries, not just to music students, but to any students at the university, so it’s worth having a look on the music department webpage of your prospective choices.
For example, for those of you who are interested in going to the University of Birmingham, they currently offer 15 scholarships every year to new undergraduates who are studying a subject other than music but who wish to continue receiving tuition on their instrument and get involved in University Music activity. These scholarships are offered in three key disciplines: vocal, instrumental, and jazz, and tuition is delivered by leading professional musicians from the likes of the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra and Royal Birmingham Conservatoire tutors.
Here is a link to their website for a description of the scholarship: Music Scholarships – University of Birmingham
‘We wish to offer as many opportunities as possible to all students, no matter their subject of choice, and it would be great to see lots of prospective students keeping up their music-making through this scholarship.’ – The University of Birmingham, University Music and Concerts Team
On the other hand, for students who are interested in studying Music, the Department of Music’s degree programme offers a huge variety of modules and allows students to shape their own programme whilst also being able to specialise in composition, performance, or musicology. They also offer a variety of vocational modules and training schemes, plus financial support through the David Wright Pathway scholarship.
The University of Birmingham runs over 35 ensembles, covering classical, jazz, folk, vocal and experimental music – with over 30 professional and student concerts each term, and guest workshops and masterclasses.
With most universities offering these kinds of opportunities, there is bound to be something near you. It’s never too early or too late to get involved so have a look and reach out to the music departments. Even if you can’t find anything to suit you within the university, there may well be a community orchestra or hub near you.
We wish everyone going on to higher education the best of luck!
Further Information:
Here is a link to a UCAS article about music scholarships, grants and bursaries in general: Scholarships, grants, and bursaries: Music | Undergraduate, Conservatoires | UCAS
The Independent Society of Musicians has some information about specific bursaries for undergraduate and postgraduate courses: Funding for music students (ism.org)