LEEDS BIG SAMBA 2019: Thursday 4th July
What is it?
Following on from the success of our previous Samba projects, we’d like to invite you to take part in Leeds Big Samba 2019. This project will consist of a CPD session for teachers, a workshop for children in school and a sharing performance at Pudsey Civic Hall.
Who can apply to take part?
All Leeds Schools and Academies can apply, prior experience of leading Samba is not essential. We have space for 14 schools to take part – 7 in each session (morning or afternoon). The closing date for entries is 1st May and applications will be considered on a first come, first served basis.
Which children can we bring?
You are invited to bring up to 30 children from Year 5 or Year 6. The children need not have taken part in previous Samba events.
What is the cost?
The event is fully funded by Leeds Music Education Partnership so there is no charge to your school to take part but you will need to fund your own transport to and from Pudsey Civic Hall.
How will we learn the material?
The Lead teacher (and 1 other member of staff if required) should attend a CPD session at Pudsey Civic Hall on Wednesday 8th May, 4-6pm. You will also receive 1 practitioner-led workshop in your school (if needed – it may not be possible to provide workshops in experienced schools) and supporting video resources. You will be expected to practise regularly between workshops to enable your children to develop their ensemble skills. All instruments will be provided and can be collected on Wednesday 8th May.
Will there be an audience?
The Hall will be full of children so we won’t have space for an audience; the children will be both performers and audience.
What about photo permissions?
You are welcome to film your own children during the performance and should ensure appropriate permissions are in place.
CPD Session for Teachers – Wednesday 8th May 2019, 4-6pm at Pudsey Civic Hall
1 Workshop in school – summer term, date to be confirmed
Sharing Performance – Thursday 4th July 2019 at Pudsey Civic Hall, 9.30-11.30am (session 1) / 1-3pm (session 2). Session times will be allocated once your place is confirmed.
Please apply by email on or before Wednesday 1st May 2019 to
Paula Brookes, Head of Teaching and Learning, Paula.Brookes@leeds.gov.uk