ArtForms invites secondary schools to join us for two sensational free singing sessions!
The first will be held on Tuesday 13th March, 10am-3pm at the Moyes Centre, Bishop Young Academy. The theme for this session is ‘Developing Your Choir’ and will include special guest Mark de Lisser, a vocal coach on ITV’s ‘The Voice’. This is an amazing opportunity for you and a group up to 15 of your students to work with Mark de Lisser and his team. Mark has worked with singers from all genres and coaches not only on vocal technique and delivery but also on stage craft and performance.
The second session is on Friday 23rd March 9.30am-3pm at Corpus Christi Catholic College – new ‘Find Your Voice’ CPD from Musical Futures. Explore how to deliver outstanding music teaching with very little equipment/resources. Experience first-hand how ‘Find Your Voice’ can have personal, social and emotional benefits as well as musical skills development.
For more details, including how to book, please see this flyer (pdf).