Primary Music Leaders Network
Wednesday 2nd February 2022
4:00pm – 5:15pm
This is a network for Music Leaders in every primary school in Leeds to discuss the latest updates in music education and to enjoy the chance to talk things through with colleagues who are all doing the same job in different settings around the city.
In Wednesday’s session we will have a Q&A from the Royal Opera House explaining the Create and Sing project. This is a new CPD opportunity for teachers to learn how to explore opera with school children through practical engagement with the repertoire.
We will also delve into the challenges of developing music in your school post covid by looking at what needs rebuilding and using the ArtForms audit tools to help you do this. It will help you as Music Leader to be prepared for the possibility of an Ofsted deep dive by looking holistically at your music provision. The added bonus is that it will support you on your journey if you’re thinking of applying to become an LMEP Music Champion School or for Arts Mark.
This network group is fully funded by LMEP at no charge to Leeds schools and you can sign up on Leeds for Learning via this link –
Virtual Primary Music Leaders Network Session 2 | Leeds for Learning