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Calling primary Art and D&T subject leaders!

The Primary Art and D&T CPD Subject Leader Support Packages are designed to support teachers to be effective subject leaders.

By purchasing an Art or D&T Subject leader Support Package, schools can send their subject leader to three training courses throughout 2020/21. The outline of the training is as follows:

  • Autumn Term 2020 (half day): focus on the role of subject leader and curriculum
  • Spring Term 2021 (full day): a practical day, exploring and having a go at specific aspects of Art / D&T
  • Summer Term 2021 (half day): a practical session looking at Sketchbooks (Art Subject Leader Support Package) and Cooking in the Curriculum (D&T Subject Leader Support Package)

Please visit the ‘Store‘ on Leeds for Learning for further information or to book the package for your school.  If you have any questions about the Subject Leader Support packages, please contact jane.zanzottera@leeds.gov.uk