Twenty-first century textiles!
Within the primary curriculum, craft can often be ‘lost’, despite having links with Maths, Science and STEAM. Craft education develops creativity, inventiveness, problem-solving and practical intelligence. It also produces the makers of the future.
ArtForms, the Crafts Council, Leeds Arts University and the University of Leeds are working together to develop a professional development project for primary school teachers and artists, based on craft. This training day is part of the project development and will explore what ‘craft’ is within the Leeds primary school curriculum.
The Craft Development Day is designed to develop delegates practical skills in different aspects of craft. The sessions will also interrogate the relevance and value of art within the twenty-first century. Thanks to funding and support from the University of Leeds and Leeds Arts University, delegate places on this course are free.
To book your place, please visit Leeds for Learning. If you have any questions about the Craft Development Day or about craft within your curriculum, please contact