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Schools Challenge!



Find out what it’s like to work in one of Leeds arts and cultural venues with this ‘School Challenge’ from the Grand Futures Leeds.

Grand Futures Leeds is a network of 14 arts and cultural organisations, working together to raise awareness of job opportunities and career paths within the arts world.  The Schools Challenge, targeted at Year 9 and 10 students, is a project where young people can find out more about what jobs exist, particularly behind the scenes, in the arts.  This is a great opportunity for students and teachers to have an insight into this world.  The live briefs are designed to give students a real flavour of what each of the jobs involve, providing them with an experience that, hopefully, will inform their choices for work experience and GCSE options.

The project involves:

  • The Schools Launch: a day visiting the venues, meeting the staff and participating in hands on workshops
  • working on a live brief, based on a show at the West Yorkshire Playhouse, to create costumes, design a marketing strategy, build a set or make props
  • half day support from an artist, back in school
  • showcasing students work at the West Yorkshire Playhouse
  • the opportunity to watch the play

The Schools Challenge runs from January to March 2017, allowing teachers time to build the live brief within half termly schemes of work.

For further information, please see the Grand Futures Schools Challenge 2017 Leaflet.

