Earwiggo Barging -an interactive mutlisensory music and arts project resource for all abilities: available now for schools to access free of charge!
The charity YAMSEN:SpeciallyMusic supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund have created a set of multisensory music and arts cross-curricular resources about the Leeds Liverpool Canal.
These resources can form the basis of a month long project or can be used a set of one off activities. They have all been tried and tested by pupils in classrooms around Leeds.
The pack includes:
• a teachers book with clear instructions showing the activities for differing levels of working
• A CD with the songs recorded as learning tracks as singalong tracks.
• An illustrated pupil’s book which includes the song words, art and dance ideas.
The resource pack is available in hard copy (sent via the post)or as an online link (sent via email). For either option, please email diane.paterson@leeds.gov.uk stating your school name and your preferred format.