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Musicians for Life: Free Talk and Workshop for your School

Do you want something to inspire the talented young musicians in your school to continue with their music making?

Leeds College of Music and the University of Leeds, in partnership with Leeds Music Education Partnership, are launching a new programme called Musicians for Life.

The programme is introduced by a talk and workshop in your school, with input from students who are currently studying music at university or conservatoire.

For those who then want to know more, there are further workshops between March and July at Leeds College of Music and the University of Leeds.

Please encourage your students, and their parents, to take advantage of this brilliant offer. It’s a great way to let them know about the wide range of higher education music courses available, how studying music can be a route into a whole host of careers, and how you can get onto a course even if you don’t have GCSE or A Level Music.

Students can book places on as many of the workshops as they want….they don’t have to sign up for all of them, and it’s all FREE.

To find out more and book a place for your school visit https://www.lcm.ac.uk/courses/junior-lcom/musicians-for-life/