ArtForms Music welcomes the recent announcement from the government about the return to face to face teaching in schools on 8th March for the remainder of children and young people. Our visiting teachers are eager to return to schools although we will endeavour to maintain remote teaching where schools are unable to accommodate us in their settings and will look at this on a case by case basis. Our teachers will continue to work within the control measures that were established during the Autumn Term for the safety of all. These measures enabled our staff to work across bubbles and across schools effectively.
Our provision in Music Centres and City of Leeds Youth Music Groups will continue online for the remainder of this half term. We are as keen as you to return to face to face teaching as soon as the situation allows.
We cannot thank schools and parents enough for the support that you have given us during this year by ensuring that our staff are able to work safely with your children and young people. We look forward to be able to continue supporting you by enabling music to remain a vital part of the recovery for all.